Forgot Your Password?

How to Reset Passwords

Follow these steps to reset your password for most accounts:

  1. Go to the login page of the account you are trying to recover.
  2. Near the bottom of the page, select the “Forgot your password?” or “Forgot password” link.
  3. The site will prompt you to enter your email address. Enter the email address linked to your account and click the “Continue” button or equivalent.
  4. Check your email for a message from the website of the account you are trying to recover. It may be in your spam folder.
  5. Click the “Reset your password” button in the message. This will take you back to the site.
  6. Enter your new password.
  7. Avoid reusing the same variation of previous passwords. Use a password generator to create a unique and strong password.
  8. Click the “Change password” or “Save” button.
Reset Password Steps
Keeper Security

Tired of forgetting and resetting your passwords?
Try Keeper Password Manager for free to generate and store strong passwords for every account.